Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday's Assignment

DSC_5611 by scookster
DSC_5611, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate attraction in a photograph today.
This was kind of a difficult assignment today.   I really wanted to focus on a magnet and it's attraction properties.  But then dh and I bantered back and forth on what else attraction could mean.  I even went so far as to fill up my bird feeder knowing that our birds would be attracted to it eventually.  Unfortunately, it takes them a day or so to realize that I finally filled it up.  Haven't been too good about doing that lately.  I'm sure the birds have moved on to more bird friendly feeders.  Even went so far as to buying a balloon figuring the static electricity would be a form of attraction.  Not an easy shot to do so I reverted to my original idea.  An added plus is that our garage floor is loaded with screws and bolts etc.  Ended up taking this shot outside with my 35 mm lens but it was oh so cold out.  Where or where is spring?

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