Sunday, April 24, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

DSC_6372 by scookster
DSC_6372, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph that emphasizes converging lines.
Happy Easter to one and all.  It's hard to believe it is already April.  Of course, April means it's almost May, and then summer vacation begins in June!!!   Took a trip over to Lake Katherine this morning.  I knew that I wanted to scope out whatever I could that might show converging lines.  Dh and I were discussing what that actually means.  He kind of referred to wires connecting to a telephone pole and I actually thought it would be diagonal lines coming to a point.  The examples that I looked at seemed to be taken with the focus more on the center of the object.  Even still, I think this photo shows converging lines.  I have in my head that your eye is drawn naturally to the center- but maybe there's a better way of shooting it so that the center is more pronounced.  Ended up shooting most everything in automatic as I can't see the LCD panel once I'm out in the daylight.  Not sure why that is.

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