Thursday, April 7, 2011

Thursday's Assignment

DSC_5783 by scookster
DSC_5783, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a low contrast photograph today.

I really don't get what low contrast is.  Should I have fooled around in Photoshop to change the contrast of the picture?  Or is there something within the camera that I could have used for low contrast?  Is it the exposure?  Tried to figure it out via the dailyshoot website but there was such an assortment of photos.  Should I just have gone with black and white?  I get the fact that this picture has similar colors- or at least there isn't a lot of contrast.  But that's because the exposure is low.  Is that what makes it low contrast?  Nothing on the internet helped me out with this one.  Maybe if I get some comments it might give me an idea as to what I need to do or maybe I do get the idea.  Doubt it!

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