Friday, April 8, 2011

Friday's Assignment

DSC_5832 by scookster
DSC_5832, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photo that features a grid of some sort of today.
So, where's my Majhong board?   Where's my chess board?  Where's that metal strainer?  Where are these perfect items that I can use for this photo shoot?  Why or why did I get rid of those items over the years?  Didn't I realize that the bug to become a photographer would eventually rear its ugly head?  So I ended up with this grid of Fannie May candies.  It's been sitting in my cupboard (unopened) for awhile but thought I'd have this perfect grid.  Not so likely.  Not every mint is formed the same, much to my demise.  Trying to get these misformed items to sit straight in a row was nearly impossible. So I've done the best as I could with the least that I have.  Didn't have a lot of time to take this shot so I used the automatic feature.  Wasn't too sure what to set the box on and now that I'm looking back at it the color seems too washed out.  Hmmmmmm......

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