Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

DSC_6269 by scookster
DSC_6269, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph of a smile, either literal or symbolic.
Why or why can't I find a smiley face when I want to find a smiley face.  This photo of the dog is not exactly what I wanted to take.  I wanted to get a photo of a big old smiley, either one painted on a water tower or one painted on a garage door.  You know what?  They don't exist anymore.  Drove around a couple of suburbs looking for anything resembling a smile. Would have settled for a big hunking smile on top of a dentist office.  Couldn't find that either.  So the dog became my next victim and after making him sit and smile I took a quick picture.  Unfortunately, the flash seems to pick up his filmy cataracts.  I tried to fix it in photoshop but it was a no go.  Want to bet I see a couple of smiley faces the next time I'm not looking for them?

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