Thursday, April 21, 2011

Friday's Assignment

DSC_6324 by scookster
DSC_6324, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
The dailyshoot website appears to be down but I think today's assignment has something to do with water.
I've always been amazed when kids can hold their camera up in front of their own face for a self portrait.  I never can get myself in the center of the viewfinder.  And holding up a 35 mm is nearly impossible.  But I just so happen to have a box sitting on my kitchen table that I can set the camera on.  Arming myself with a glass of ice water, I positioned my head where I thought I needed to and "snap!"  Nice try the first time around so I wasn't going to take any more.  Unfortunately, I've discovered it's not my best side- and by the way, when did I start getting those wrinkles and baggy skin???  Us "photographers" will do anything for a picture I guess.

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