Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

DSC_5992 by scookster
DSC_5992, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a high contrast photograph today.
Took this one yesterday when I was working on the picture with texture.  The baby had a lot of texture type toys so I knew I'd have something to work with.  Placed these items on a fairly dark table (walnut I think) but not as dark as it turned out.  I tried shooting it in P but didn't quite like the final product.  So then I chose one of the automatic choices- I'm thinking it was the flower selection with flash and for whatever reason it turned the background black. I like the way it turned out but I wish I had an explanation for it.  I decided to use this picture for today's assignment when I saw that someone else had used a rubix cube. Figured this was as high a contrast as that one.

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