Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday's Assignment

DSC_5650 by scookster
DSC_5650, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph from an unusual point of view.
Just spent an hour trying to get the right photo with the right lens.  Probably should have taken a picture of all of my lenses spread out.  Too stressful which is why I probably have eyestrain now.  Trying to get the right lighting with the right lens.  Close up, far away, can't focus right, macro lens doesn't auto focus. Then I'm not sure if this picture fits the assignment.  So I tried something else but kept coming back to this one.  I guess the unusual point of view is the fact that I don't have my hand in the jar of jelly beans.  I bought these for E as she was spending the weekend.  She wasn't too interested in them but figured out it must have been because she wasn't feeling well.  The little guy could have eaten them all- takes after this side of the family I guess.  I think I ended up using the 18-55 mm although I lost track of which one I was using as I changed them so much.  Thank goodness Flickr offers a way to see the camera settings!

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