Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

DSC_6175 by scookster
DSC_6175, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a low key photograph today.
From what I can figure out by looking at the examples, a low key photograph seems to include something black and lighting from the side.  So to get that effect, I headed for my darkroom.  Darkroom, you might ask?  I realize I have now become my father, although I don't know if he started his journey in the bathroom.  Looking for the darkest room in the house so that I wouldn't have to wait until nighttime, I headed for the bathroom.  Found some black poster board and taped it to the bathroom door.  Luckily, I had a small lamp that I could bring in with me.  Now, this bathroom is pretty small to begin with.  So it's me, my tripod, the lamp, camera and cup.  In addition to those items, I found some empty boxes to place the cup on.  Sitting on the toilet (which I am pretty sure my dad didn't do or have to do) I aimed the lamp for the side of the cup and clicked the shutter.  Using P, I turned the dial as far to the right as possible- would you say this is too underexposed?  When I looked at the photo in photoshop the outline of the cup was a little more pronounced.  Here it seems almost too dark.  Perhaps I underexposed it too much.  Don't know- I'm still learning.

As a side note, one of the photos on the dailyshoot site showed a key lying on the ground- low key, get it?  Funny!

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