Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Tuesday's Assignment

DSC_6502 by scookster
DSC_6502, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate the word choice in a photo today.
Not entirely sure what I wanted to do today.  I almost got up the nerve to take my camera to the grocery store to take some photographs.  But what would they say to me if I did?  Would they deny me the opportunity?  Is it against any rules?  I don't have the courage to try- guess that's why I'm just a beginner.   I don't want to have any one come up to me to confront me as to why I am photographing their merchandise. Maybe that's the difference between those that do and those who wish they did.  So, instead I took a picture of a box of crayons.  Used the lighting in the kitchen but as I'm looking at the picture I see quite a bit of yellow.  Is it the cast from the florescent lighting?  I had set the camera to A and chose a lower speed, but even when I did auto fix in Photoshop, the lighting still seemed off.  I suppose I could have moved the crayons around and had a bigger variety of colors- maybe I will try that if I ever do this shot again.

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