Monday, April 18, 2011

Monday's Assignment

Lake Katherine wildlife by scookster
Lake Katherine wildlife, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate motion in a photograph today.
Spent quite a bit of time walking around the house today, trying to find something interesting that was also moving.   As hard as I tried I couldn't get the dog to stand still AND wag his tail.  Jumping on me and wagging his tail seem to go hand and hand.  Unfortunately I can't take a picture and push him off at the same time.  Boiling water and water running from the faucet seemed too boring.   I could have walked up to the high school to photograph the track or soccer girls but it was too cold out.  Then I remembered the day when Deb and I went to Lake Katherine.  There was an assortment of fowl swimming around in the lake. Quick- take a picture before they fly or swim away!  So this is about as motion filled as I could find.

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