Monday, April 11, 2011

Monday's Assignment

DSC_5941 by scookster
DSC_5941, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Take a photograph that features a subject made out of wood today.
Decided to choose this rocking chair as it is somewhat memorable for me.  It belong to my elderly aunt who passed away a few years ago.  When I say elderly I mean she died a month shy of 98 years.  This rocking chair had been in her possession for eons.  She had always lived in a studio apartment so there wasn't much to dispose of once she died.  It was the only thing that I decided to hang on to.  I can imagine her sitting in this chair listening to her classical music.  She wasn't one for television shows- often found them noisy and distracting.  But she did love to listen to her dvds and classical radio stations, and once her eyesight went so did her music as she couldn't figure out the necessary dials.  I always thought that perhaps this chair might be handed down to my boys when they had babies.  It may not be the most comfortable chair but most babies do like to be rocked. Happily I can say that it's been around and is now sitting in Madelyn's home.

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