Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday's Assignment

DSC_6471 by scookster
DSC_6471, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photo that features a circle today.
Gosh there were lots of things that I could take pictures of today.   Because I had time today I decided to experiment with the multitude of lenses that I have.  I really wanted to get a closeup of something that was circular.  Unfortunately, my new macro filters are not being friendly.  They are suppose to be auto focus but don't seem to work that way with my Nikon lens.  I can manually focus but am trying to avoid that when I can.  I took several pictures today- trying to be creative of course.  But then I saw my box of buttons.  Who doesn't have a collection of those?  Funny how we get extras when we don't need them but often a button will fall off and I have no match for it.  Almost like losing one of my pair of socks.  Where the heck does it go?  I think some of these buttons even belonged to my mom who has been gone for years now.  I guess I am hanging onto them as I never know when I might need one!

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