Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

DSC_6509 by scookster
DSC_6509, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph with a concrete surface today.
Not a lot of things in my suburb made of concrete- unless you count curbs, driveways and sidewalks.  Of course, most of the sidewalks and driveways in my subdivision are horribly cracked.  We keep crossing our fingers that our street will be resurfaced, but funds seem to be desperately low.  We hope that if and when the street is resurfaced the apron on our driveway will also be fixed.  Over the years it has sunk as a result of the direction of the old sewer lines.  Shoveling snow from our driveway by hand is nearly impossible.  Sliding the shovel across the concrete jars your body as you hit the chasms in the concrete.  But I digress.... I was walking around the neighborhood trying to find something interesting with concrete when I ran across this puddle. So much rain has fallen and even though it is overcast the tree does cast a nice shadow in the water.  Hence my photograph with a concrete surface!

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