Sunday, April 10, 2011

Saturday's Assignment

DSC_5874 by scookster
DSC_5874, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Take a photograph with a central point of interest today.
Waiting for the storms to hit the western suburbs tonight.  I am doing several days of babysitting and luckily there are lots of new things to photograph here.  For one thing, there's this cute little baby I can take pictures of.  I've discovered that she often sticks her hand over the side of her highchair, waiting for the dog to pick up a morsel or to give a quick lick to her fingers.  She's beginning to find humor in things and will often giggle at the dog.  I know that quick lick grosses out her mother but when you've lived with dogs your entire life it's not such a big deal.  I guess I should be more concerned about the germs in a dog's mouth.  For some reason it's never been an issue with me.  But look at those tiny fingers.  Just ten months ago she was a newborn and in a month and a half she'll be one years old.  My how time flies!

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