Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tuesday's Assignment

DSC_5772 by scookster
DSC_5772, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Focus on an edge and take a photograph.
Where would a librarian be without her books?  As usual,  I have quite a few young adult books that have been taking up space on my bookshelf at home.  I know in my heart that they should be displayed on our library shelves waiting for someone to check them out.  I just feel like I am going to get to them eventually, but if they are in our school library I may never check them out again.  Every time I get a new supply of books I want to take them all home- there's nothing like holding a brand new book in your hands.  One that hasn't been spilled on or written in.  For some reason these photo assignments seem to be repeating themselves as I am pretty sure I've already taken a picture of my pile of books.  I probably have the same books sitting on my bookshelves.  I tried taking pictures of other things in my house but nothing seem interesting enough.  Unfortunately, this daily shoot assignment is eating up a lot of my time.  I should just go back to spending a few minutes on it instead of an hour.  It's already 5:00 and I haven't begun to get dinner ready.  On the other hand, maybe I should just pick up one of my books and read.  Hmmmmm......

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