Thursday, March 31, 2011

Thursday's Assignment

DSC_5576 by scookster
DSC_5576, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph dominated by the color orange.
Orange?  How can I find colors in my house that shout orange when I prefer muted soft colors- or more like dark drab colors?  I have never been one for "hey look at me in my brightly colored outfit!"  It's more like, "hey, don't notice me please."  Of course I could have dragged out some orange vegetables or some orange tuperware.  That's about all I could find with the color orange.  But then I noticed these art supplies and decided to take advantage of them.  But now I'm feeling more like my dad- get out the tripod please.  Arrange the items on my drab brown table- no wait, they look too muted against that color.  Should I place a white piece of paper under the items?  Nope, then the white plate blends in too much.  So opted for something black which just so happened to be my piano bench.  Shot mostly in P but then tried aperature as I know that's more for the artsy side.  Remembered something about shooting at 1/60 and even went so far as to change my ISO.  Still trying to find the "perfect" shot as I am too critical of myself.  But what do I have to prove?  Absolutely nothing!

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