Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

DSC_6828 by scookster
DSC_6828, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photo using soft light today.
Not sure if this qualifies as a soft light photograph.  Tried googling "soft light" and still wasn't quite sure what it meant.  One of the examples said to use light coming in through a window; or if it's cloudy outside photographs will look softer.  Many of the other sites said to use studio lamps but for the most part it was referring to portrait photography.  I was going to use some of the flowers that I got for mother's day but they are losing their petals fast and furiously. So instead I decided to cut one of the few lilacs on my newly blooming lilac bush. I planted these shrubs three years ago, and they are finally starting to bloom.  With much trepidation I snipped one bloom and set it up near our sliding glass window.  Used the "flower" symbol on the automatic side and with the flash disabled was able to get this shot. I hope it qualifies as "soft".

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