Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday's Assignment

DSC_6886 by scookster
DSC_6886, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Frame a view using a door or a window today.

Almost afraid to post this blog after the blogger malfunction these last couple of days.  So with much trepidation I begin this entry.  Not too excited about doing this assignment today. I know this is a repeat and I think that last time I tried taking a picture through the front door of E's dollhouse.  That was virtually impossible as I had to deal with miniature issues- small door, little light, entry area limited.  Maybe I should have tried it again as my skills have improved somewhat.  But this photo shows the view of our backyard from the second floor master bedroom.  For years we lived with no deck- when we first moved in darling hubby discovered an infestation of carpenter ants in the decking area.  After ripping out the wood he left it unfinished for a whole lot of years.  Maybe ten years ago or so I finally convinced him to let his brother finish the deck.  It looks so nice!  We don't have steps leading from the deck into the yard which is kind of a hassle.  I don't know if we thought about that or were more concerned with the security issue.  Should have, would have, could have I guess.  But I love sitting on the deck, in my glider, early in the morning.  With the leaves filling in it often feels like I am actually sitting in the tree tops.

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