Sunday, May 29, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

DSC_7629 by scookster
DSC_7629, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph that features metal or a metallic surface today.
Should have titled this "find some junk in the garage to photograph." There is plenty of metallic stuff in the garage- just difficult to get to.   I like the surface of this blade as it shows years of use- the lines are eternally etched in the metal.  But can you see my fingers in the upper left hand corner?  Almost too difficult to tell that they are there, but being the novice photographer that I am, they are.  Spent the day yesterday at a photography workshop downtown.  Even though it rained all day I came away with a lot of information.  What I need to do is practice, of course, but also learn more about my lenses.  I took my 18/200mm lens but I still don't get how close I can get to the subjects that I'm shooting.  I tried shooting this blade close up (like 18mm away) but the shutter wouldn't release. The farther I had to get away from the object the more difficult it was to prop the blade up.  Tried looking for my shutter release cable but couldn't find how to attach it to the camera.  Ended up using aperture as I wanted to blur the background, although realistically there is nothing to blur.

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