Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Tuesday's Assignment

DSC_6809 by scookster
DSC_6809, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate warmth in a photograph today.
When I was small I remember having hot chocolate on a cold winter day.  The chocolate powder came in a can- Nestle's, I think.  It was a powder but not instant like you get today. On the stove, my mother would bring some milk to nearly boiling, mix in the powder, throw in some marshmallows and it was delightfully fulfilling.  Unfortunately, this stuff tasted terrible. Maybe it was too sweet or perhaps it was because I mixed it with water.  Or maybe it's because I am not a big fan of chocolate.   Nevertheless, it's not something I fathom having today anyway.  The temperature outside neared 90 degrees although it had to be 60 degrees in the library. Maybe next time I'll take a picture of a cup of tea.  Now that I could stomach!

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