Thursday, May 5, 2011

Thursday's Assignment

DSC_6711 by scookster
DSC_6711, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate randomness in a photograph today.

So many things to take pictures of.  Spur of the moment, aim and shoot.  But I wanted to be more literal- what exactly could I do to illustrate randomness.  I thought about a bag of tootsie roll pops.  Always have a bag here as we both like to eat them when we need a little sugar.  But for some reason the bags contain mostly chocolate and a couple of orange suckers.  Yuck!  But the last one I opened had mostly cherry and strawberry.  A little better selection but why can't all of the bags contain a little of each.  I guess that would best describe randomness.  But then I thought about finding a random penny on the ground or random change in my pocket.  Couldn't come up with a good shot for either of those.  So I thought about these domino pieces that I have and the random chance of coming up with the particular tiles that you need.  Always the luck of the draw.  Not totally thrilled with the way I set the pieces up.  I think a black piece of felt might have been a good backdrop.  I had some colored pieces that I could have used but they looked odd against the white tiles. And a white background definitely did not work.  As usual this photography stuff is a work in progress.

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