Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

DSC_6765 by scookster
DSC_6765, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph that features vertical lines today.
Been busy all weekend but thinking about each and every assignment.  In fact, today I took a couple of photos, not sure which one I wanted to submit.  Each is different in its own way; but for both I ended up shooting from ground level.

Today was one of my better days.  Spent yesterday with the boys and their child/children. Wanted to let them go to their in-laws today.  Because of that I was able to do anything and everything I wanted to.  Weeded, mowed and weed-wacked until I couldn't move another muscle.  But the weather was perfect so I wanted to do as much as I could outside.  The Hostas are starting to grow and the vines are beginning to loop around the arbor.  I can't wait until they fill in and are blooming- may take a few years and hopefully we are still living here. I can't believe that I actually laid on the ground to take these pictures. I am beginning to feel like my dad!

As for the last couple of days, here are some rather mediocre shots.  

Friday's assignment was to take a photo of a shadow.  The sun was fleeting and when it peeked out for a couple of seconds I took this shot of my glider.  Couldn't find anything else that gave off enough of a shadow.  

The second was Saturday's assignment- take a photograph of the sky.  Every time I wanted to stop driving to take a picture of the sky the landscape would change and I wouldn't get enough of the sky that I wanted.  For the most part the sky was a gray and blah.  Would have like a sunnier sky and if that wasn't possible at least a storm or two.  The entire drive out to the far western suburbs is via interstate and no place to stop.  When I finally got off of the interstate the horizon was no longer visible- hence I am aiming my camera straight up into the sky.  But the entire time my head was spinning right to left looking for the best shot. This looks weird- as I aimed the camera would auto focus and refuse to release the shutter. Don't know why but this is the best I could do. 

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