Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Tuesday's Assignment

DSC_6657 by scookster
DSC_6657, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph of two complementary objects today.
Just like me to drag out the grill when the temperature is dropping into the 30's.  It's like the 3rd of May and the weathermen are predicting frost tonight.  What happened to spring?   I have so much to do in my yard and haven't had an opportunity to do much of anything.  But because time is of an essence tonight, I decided to grill these "healthy" hot dogs.  All meat hot dogs that is- no turkey or chicken for us.  Can't even say that it's beef.  Just all of that stuff that you'd rather not think about when hot dogs are produced.  I probably should have gotten my tripod out as I am sure I wasn't too steady taking this closeup.  But I did say it was cold out, didn't I?  And when it's cold I spend as little time outside as possible.

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