Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Thursday's Assignment

Cold Enough? by scookster
Cold Enough?, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate cold in a photograph today.
This is so not in focus but it was so difficult to take a self portrait.  It is especially difficult since I don't have my tripod yet and had to set my camera on the end table to take this shot.  Decided to take a picture of me in my winter attire as I couldn't think of anything else besides ice cubes and ice cream.  To get a picture I had to focus in on something reasonably close, find the self timer, set the self timer and then try to get myself back in the right spot (with or without glasses)- and I did this over and over again.  Finally decided I had spent enough time on this assignment and whatever I got I would post.  I do think I should have cropped the picture to take out the backdrop- guess you can figure out that I am in my living room and not the frigid outdoors.  As I've mentioned before, a white backdrop would have done the job!

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