Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

New tools by scookster
New tools, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph of a tool today. 
Tools?  We've got plenty of tools.  Unfortunately, they are scattered all over the garage floor. We have old tools, new tools, clean tools and rusty tools.  Any chance there's any organization when it comes to keeping track of our tools?  Nope!  That's why we tend to have lots of duplicates because when we can't find one we go out and buy another.  I was talking to someone yesterday about garage sales and tools.  He tended to think that garage sale groupies are always on the lookout for older tools.  I alluded to the fact that when and if I get a chance to clean out our house for good the first thing up will be a dumpster.  Now I'm thinking that maybe I'll get to sell them on ebay and make a nice profit!  But in the end, I decided to take a picture of some garden tools.  At least I know where they are and where they belong when I am finished with them!

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