Monday, May 9, 2011

Monday's Assignment

DSC_6781 by scookster
DSC_6781, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph with no obvious horizon.
Kind of tricky to do this kind of picture.  No matter what you don't want a straight line in the photo.  I wanted to take a picture of a flower but there's not much blooming in my yard yet. When I left school today I saw a dandelion that had turned to fluff or puff or whatever you call it.  So I got down on my knees to take a picture of the fluff/puff.  A few teachers had begun to leave and probably were getting ready to call the paramedics when they saw me go down to the ground.  Thank goodness they weren't looking too closely.  But my 35mm lens wouldn't let me get a good closeup.  When I got home I decided to put the closeup filter on in addition to the 35mm.  Still trying to figure that one out as once it's on it is impossible to twist off.  Fortunately, it seem to do a pretty good job on this flowering tree.  Not quite sure what this tree is called- maybe a Dogwood?  Didn't use a tripod which I should have as zooming in will probably show camera movement.  Still like the fact that I could get relatively close to the flower.  Next time I'll drag out my monopod.

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