Monday, May 2, 2011

Monday's Assignment

DSC_6627 by scookster
DSC_6627, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph of something old and aged.
I believe this glove still has dust from the baseball fields of long ago.  That or it just goes to prove that our house is extremely dusty.  Fortunately, this glove is not as old and moldy as his childhood glove.  Wasn't quite enthralled with taking a picture of that one as it is kind of moldy, but he hangs onto it nevertheless.  Must bring back fond memories!  Hubby was a baseball fanatic when he was younger.  I do so think that he was hoping one of our boys would go on to be a baseball star.  It wasn't in the cards and if you ask them, those years are ones that they prefer not to remember.  He was tough on them; I'm sure he was reliving his own youth through them.  But they loved being part of a team.  Just didn't live up to his expectations and because of it I think they will be less than likely to push their own kids in sports.  Too bad.  He was an involved father when it came to sports- just kind of over the top.

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