Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 30

Deadlines by scookster
Deadlines, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
What's the first thing you think about when you see the word "deadline"?  Make a photograph illustrating that thought.
Am redoing my blog a little bit- changed the title slightly and am going to try to incorporate a daily gratitude shoot in combination with the daily shoot assignment.  Today was a little tough- how can I be thankful for deadlines?  I guess if we didn't have them then nothing would get accomplished.  Sometimes I work better under stress and wait until the last minute to accomplish what I need to get accomplished.  Of course, every time June roles around we need to buy our city vehicle stickers.  Thank goodness we can mail in a request instead of having to go to City Hall and wait in long lines.  Of course, no matter when I mail my check in and when I receive the stickers we I invariably wait until the very last day to apply them to the windshield.  Today is June 30th.  Tomorrow is July 1.  It's hot outside, the car interior is unbearable but it needs to get done.  A job for dh I guess.  As a side note I still need to figure out how to focus so that everything is in focus- as I look at this photo it looks like June is just a little bit out of focus.  I am not too thrilled with that.

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