Friday, June 10, 2011

Parallel lines

Parallel lines by scookster
Parallel lines, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Parallel lines draw the eye. Make a photograph with parallel lines today.
Did this same assignment a few months ago on the tracks of the metra.  Decided to do one better and take a self portrait of my very short haircut.  I don't know what I was thinking when I said, "how about a pixie cut?"  Jamie Lee Curtis looks adorable in one.  I on the other hand do not.  I look like a eggplant with fur on it.  My lovely husband asks everyday if I've cut it shorter.  One of the boys asked "what happened to your hair".  I know I look ridiculous and if I could hide for the next four weeks until it begins to grow out I would.  Unfortunately that's not possible so I'll just have to grin and bear it.  Perhaps people will think I've had some kind of treatment and feel sorry for me.  I have certainly learned my lesson and that is, "less is not better!"

I did shoot this with my external flash as the built in caused a shiny forehead.  Short is bad enough- shiny and short is worse!

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