Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

Waiting for Godot by scookster
Waiting for Godot, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph today that either contains motion blur or conveys motion in some other way.
I'd like to entitled this one, "Waiting for Godot."  I suppose it's because I stood in one spot for nearly 90 minutes waiting for this hummingbird to make its appearance.  I have this feeder adhered to the window- can't say I've seen hummingbirds in the past.  But I thought it would be cool if they'd come to the window to feed.  That way the kids could see them if they were lucky enough.  I think there's a pair of  in the neighborhood as one is quite bright and the other is not.  I decided to set my tripod w/camera as close to the window as I could. I read somewhere that if one is taking a picture through glass then one should get as close to the glass as possible.  No such luck here as the legs take up a lot of room.  After 90 minutes the male appeared and of course I became all flustered.  Couldn't find the shutter button and was pressing some other obscure button.  So I couldn't get him in mid-flight. Darn if I was going to stand there for another 90 minutes waiting for another appearance. So I hooked up my quick release button and once again could not get a photo of one in flight. But I did get this picture which is kind of cool.  I assume this would be counted as "motion blur."

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