Saturday, June 11, 2011

Photo of a square

Photo of a square by scookster
Photo of a square, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photo emphasizing a square or a grid today.
Spent the majority of the day perusing my surroundings looking for a square.  It seems as though the majority of things are rectangles.  Even though these blocks are squares I did form them into a rectangle. No getting around that since I wanted to include all of the letters in the word "square".  I managed to shoot this one in manual though and there appeared to be no area that was overexposed. Hooray for me!  I still am fumbling around with the settings- which way to go for both aperture and speed.  But if I can at least get to the point where my exposure is balanced then I think I'm doing okay.  Of course, after I took this picture I made myself a cheese sandwich and noticed that the cheese was a perfect square. Had no intention of reshooting the photo- but now know that when this assignment comes up again the first thing I will do is head for the meat and diary drawer in the refrigerator.

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