Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

Today's assignment: choice by scookster
Today's assignment: choice, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate choice in a photograph today. Be obvious or subtle. Your, ahem, choice.

Went to a wine and cheese bistro in Oak Park today.  When you walk in the front door you are immediately presented with this curving wall of wines.  I am not a wine drinker.  Nor do I drink much of anything.  Have been down that road once to often and am satisfied with being called a teetotaler now.  What I loved about this wall was that it was curved- am hoping you can see that in the picture.  There was one slot that was empty and if I had to choose a particular bottle I'm sure that one would have been my choice!  When I started out today I thought that today's assignment was to chose something of your liking; not actually take a picture showing choice.  But this works well so I am satisfied with it.

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