Saturday, June 4, 2011

Mark and Madelyn

Mark and Madelyn by scookster
Mark and Madelyn, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Went out to the other side of the world to baby-sit yesterday.  In reality it only took me an hour and a half.  I am not too patient when it comes to slow traffic and I was trying to find a bypass for a bypass.  When I arrived at their house, Mark decided to go out for a run and I introduced myself to Madelyn again.  I think she knows who I am but I'm not totally sure. Got out my camera, of course, knowing that I would have lots of opportunities to practice during the evening.  When Mark returned from his run she immediately cried to be picked up. I guess that's the routine- see daddy, cry, get picked up.   Madelyn is daddy's little girl for sure.  Even though he was hot and sweaty I wanted to get this shot of the two of them.  Too bad she thought my camera was more interesting than daddy at the moment.  And he's going to think this shot of him is none too flattering.  Sorry Mark.

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