Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sunday's Assignment

Lists guide an eye in a linear way: menus, recipes, etc.  As you're out and about today, find a list and make a photo.

I am a list maker.  I have a dozen apps on my ipad dedicated to making lists.  I have lists for things to buy; lists for things to do; lists for what I should have done.  For the most part I could spend an entire day writing up a list and then doing nothing with it.  I guess that makes me an organized want-to-be; never quite got the part that making lists means nothing if I don't do anything with them.  This particular app is called 2Do, and I've spent a good part of today making to do lists for the entire week and summer.  I don't know if I'll get more organized with it, but it sure was fun setting it up.

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