Wednesday, June 8, 2011

shiny surface

shiny surface, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Yesterday's assignment was to take a picture of something shiny.   I have been feeling kind of crummy lately and haven't had much interest in taking or posting pictures.  But when the sun reflected off the surface of this orange I thought it looked rather shiny.   I have been trying to make my yard more bird friendly as I don't have any unusual birds- just the same old Wrens, Robins, Cardinals and Finches.  I would love to see an Oriole or even a Woodpecker.   I know that Orioles like fruit so I set out this fruit holder.  Unfortunately, the ants are having a picnic and no Oriole or Woodpecker in sight.  I did read that a ring of petroleum jelly around the rod would deter ants.  So far no luck.  Wonder how big that ring has to be?  Guess it's time to do some more research on this idea.  Even my hummingbird feeders are birdless but I must remember to be patient.

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