Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Tuesday's Assignment

White on white by scookster
White on white, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Take a photo of something that is predominately white.

I am thinking about renaming this blog.  Something like "Live Each Day Like There's No Tomorrow".  Or "Life Sucks Sometimes".  Or "Why Do Bad Things Happen to Good People". Not sure how any of those titles with fit with this blog and my photos.  What I want to start is a Grateful Blog- one that shows that I am grateful for each and every day and all that I have, as no one knows what tomorrow will bring.  I just have to come up with a clever name. I can't say I'm grateful for eggs but it is in line with today's assignment.  I could have just had a white egg on a white plate, but that was too white for me.  Even with the addition of the yolk my camera kept zooming in and out no matter how far I was away from the subject. I ended up focusing in manual just so I could take the picture.

I will work on a new title.  For now, life stinks for someone whom I love very much and I need to release my sadness through this blog- even if it is in the form of photos.

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