Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thursday's Assignment

"Rules" can be stifling if taken to extremes.  Break the rules today with focus, composition, etc., and see what happens.

So there I am crawling around on the floor trying to get a different view of the bananas.  I know that when my dad would take pictures of fruit and/or vegetables he would pick out the best of the best.  I, of course, just looked around the kitchen and settled on these, and fortunately (or unfortunately) they are not as perfect as they could be.

I don't know what I did to get this bluish tint.  When I looked through the viewfinder the background was what I expected: white, white, white.  My ceiling is white, the hood top over the stove is white, the cupboards are white.  But I got that blurred background that I've been trying to get.  Just wish I knew how I did it.

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