Sunday, March 7, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Sunday Challenge: Make a photo of a sunrise or sunset today.

It's 7:04 a.m.  Just checked today's assignment and realized I'd better get a picture of a sunrise as the clouds may move in soon.  Today's forecast: rain.  But here I am in pajamas, robe, and slippers.  There's no way I am going to get dressed, get in the car, and find some unobstructed view of the sunrise.  It's cold and it's only 7:04 and it's Sunday for god's sake.  So I opt to step outside of my front door and try to get the best view of the sunrise.  I can see the sun, the sky is pretty, but why don't I get the same effect in my photo?  Darn suburbia!

(Side note....mentioned this picture to my husband and he thought I should have had a special filter on my camera as I was shooting directly at the sun.  Maybe I should have but that's one more thing I have to be thinking about).  Arg!

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