Sunday, March 14, 2010

Sunday's Assignment

Sunday's challenge: Catchlights in the eyes make a portrait sing.  Make a portrait of someone with catchlights in their eyes.

I have to admit that I cheated with this one.  I figured I wouldn't put any photo up today as there was no one around that I would want to take a picture of- today it's only me and hubby hanging around the house.  So instead I chose to use a photo that I took using a point and shoot camera.  I love this picture of E- especially the peas that she has left around her mouth.  Now don't you think her grandma might have cleaned up her face after she ate??

Never heard of the terminology "catchlight".    But now I get it- the way the eye catches the light.  I think I am lucky that she doesn't have the proverbial red eyes that she usually has.

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