Friday, March 26, 2010

Friday's Assignment

Think of a subject that starts with either "D" or "S".  Find it, and make a photo.

So many things that I could take a picture of.  Funny how these assignments get me thinking about the objects around me.  After I had the assignment to take a picture of something with a 90 or 45 degree, everything I saw after the fact had some kind of angle to it.  Of course, those objects were much more interesting than the one I chose.  And today- coming up with only one thing that begins with either of those letters!  So I opted just to do a picture of my slippers.  These are the only slippers that I like and they are ones that I ordered from Eddie Bauer years ago.  Nothing quite like it since- everything I've ordered has been too scratchy or too loose.  When we first took on the guardianship of our dog Jax he ate everything in sight including my slipper.  But I was determined to hold onto these items so I mended them the best that I could.  But every time I put them on I'm reminded of Jax's younger days.

Set my camera at S so that I would only have to change aperture- does that sound right?  Anyway, experimented with changing many things today like white balance, ISO, meter, etc.  I think I finally got a picture that was somewhat representative of the color of the slippers and floor.  But I need to use my tripod more often as it does give me better results.

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