Saturday, March 20, 2010

Saturday's Assignment

Liquids can be still and reflective or in motion and chaotic.  Make a photograph of something liquid today.

Don't know if I like how this picture turned out.  Everything seems to be muted.  I tried making some adjustments in photoshop but even those don't help to improve the photo.  The longer it took me to take this picture the faster the bubbles were evaporating.  If I used a flash then the light reflected off of the counter so I tried different angles.  Then I had to deal with shadows.  Every time I looked at the flashing ? it said meter and there were only 3 choices to deal with in meter: matrix, spot and center.  No matter what I changed it to the question mark kept flashing meter meter meter!!!  Dang.  Something else to deal with.  Seriously contemplated changing this to a black and white photo.  Perhaps then you can feel my pain....

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