Monday, March 15, 2010

Monday's Assignment

Trees and plants are great photographic subjects.  Make a photograph of a tree or plant today.

Had I taken a picture of this tree this past weekend it would have been much more interesting.  It had been raining and the tree was glistening on the north side.  I had wondered if it was moss but I think not.  Unfortunately, most of the plants in my backyard are dead...after all it's the end of winter.  I love this tree though because it gives us so much shade.  It's about forty years old- with a notable list toward our house.  I can only think that some year a pretty good gust of wind will send it toppling onto our roof.  
Note the bare area in the middle.  Years ago our dog Jax decided that trees were his mortal enemy and attacked this tree and others with vengeance.  He'd stand on his back legs, teeth bared with bark flying everywhere.  It was the funniest thing but not necessarily good for the trees.  I ended up covering the bottom of the trees with barb wire (just kidding).

The ivy has been growing for the past three or four years.  Every year it grows a little bit taller- but doesn't fill out around the tree.  Maybe this year will be the year......

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