Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tuesday's Assignment

DSC_5158 by scookster
DSC_5158 a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Illustrate the rules of thirds in a photograph today.
I've come to the realization that I don't have too many things in my house that are interesting. Hmmmm...what could I do to take a photo which illustrates the rules of thirds? Hamburger cooking on the stove?  Nope...too boring.  Dishes in the sink?   Nope...too embarrassing.  The dog?  Nope...used him too many times.  Unmade bed?  Junk on the table?  There's just nothing in my house that screams "take a photo of me please!"  Only when my garden begins to bloom do I find things to photograph.  For whatever reason I've never had an attachment to my house.  We've lived here for 31 years and if I could move tomorrow I would do it in a millisecond.  Leave everything behind except hubbie, me, the dog and my computer.  Makes me feel bad that I don't have memorable moments- in fact, I can't remember what I did yesterday.  Does that make me a bad parent?  Do my kids have fond memories?  I wonder....
Anyway, thought this picture that I took in the ape house at Brookfield Zoo does a great job of showing the rule of thirds. Wish I could say I staged the photo but alas I did not.

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