Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday's Assignment

DSC_5441 by scookster
DSC_5441, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph featuring a path, road, or trail that leads the eye through the photograph.

Had a few moments before an appointment so thought I'd swing by our train station. Unfortunately, the train had already left the station, so by the time I made it onto the tracks it was long gone.  Kind of overcast- probably set my ISO too low so I don't think I captured the correct light.  Afterwards, I got to thinking- oh no, what about the rules of thirds?  I often just shoot to shoot- don't spend a lot of time composing through the viewfinder.  I was probably more concerned about being run over by another train and ending up on the 5:00 news.  But what I do like is the small strip of green running along the track as it heads out of town.  That is what draws my eye.

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