Saturday, March 19, 2011

Saturday's Assignment

DSC_5351 by scookster
DSC_5351 a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Go somewhere you've not been to in a while and make a photograph of something that grabs your interest.
Was really thinking about going by my old house today and taking a picture of that,  but I figured people might think I'm doing something inappropriate. I do miss that old house, though, and haven't been by it in some time.  So instead, hooked up with my good friend Debbie and headed for a nature center.   It was a beautiful day although a little nippy.  There's a huge lake filled with geese, swans and ducks.   A water fall is to the right and then there is a nice path running the circumference of the lake.  We talked and shot and talked more about the kinds of pictures we were taking and what settings we were using. We are becoming a little bit more knowledgeable about the whole thing but still have tons to learn.

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