Friday, March 25, 2011

Friday's Assignment

DSC_5447 by scookster
DSC_5447, a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photograph of something in motion.  Use blur to help convey the motion you are capturing.
I hate computers sometimes.   I spent quite a bit of time composing this entry and then I decided to go back, fix the photo, and then had to do some cutting and pasting.  Second time around and I lost everything!  Not too happy about that.  So as I was saying, took me an hour to get this shot right.  Tied several ribbons on the grill knowing that the fan blades would turn too fast and I wouldn't be able to catch that motion.  But then I had too much shadow behind the fan.  Should I go to an interior wall?  Should I leave it as is?  Tried boiling water to catch movement but that sure doesn't do much for a photograph.  So I decided to stick with this picture.  Used my 35mm on a tripod and selected S.  I had read somewhere that the higher the f-stop the more the blur.  Not quite sure which way to turn the dial but here it is nevertheless.

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