Friday, March 18, 2011

Friday's assignment

DSC_5301 by scookster
DSC_5301 a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Convey warmth in a photograph today.
Could have taken a picture of the fleeting sun or a picture of a fire in the fireplace.  Sun comes in and out too infrequently today and it's almost too hot to make a fire.  But warmth can be depicted in color too.  I use to be fond of yellow but not so much anymore.  Browns have always been one of my favorites; in fact, one of the walls in my livingroom is a chocolate brown.   It probably will be a pain to paint over if we ever decide to move.  Tried taking this photo with both speed and aperture settings but neither one of them showed true colors.  It was only after I resorted to auto and flash did the colors come out vibrant enough. No matter how many classes Deb and I've taken they all say the same thing- there's nothing wrong with using automatic. If that's so, what's so big about the other selections on the dial?

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