Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Wednesday's Assignment

DSC_5434 by scookster
DSC_5434 a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Make a photo today that uses layers as a compositional tool.
Decided to stop by the grocery store today to see if there was anything interesting in the bakery section.  I ended up walking out with this $7 tiramasu cake.   I had mulled over the idea of photographing layers most of the day- probably had something that I could use at home, but I wanted to try shooting food with my 35mm lens.  After setting out the cake, I took the camera and plunked it down on my tripod.  But as I framed the photo I also considered the rules of thirds.   Should the cake be in the middle or to the side? Should I have something else to balance out the shot?  Is there too much space above the cake or not enough.  So much to think about.  I do like the way this photo turned out though.  If you zoom in on the cake you can actually see the air holes in the layers.  Color turned out fairly well and thankfully, none of the junk on the table is visible.  And on the plus side it tastes as good as it looks!

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