Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thursday's Assignment

CSC_5110 by scookster
CSC_5110 a photo by scookster on Flickr.
Show your own hand in a photograph today doing something. Reaching, holding, touching or making a sign.
I've had this photo for awhile but never used it.  Originally I decided to try using self timer so that I could use both of my hands in a photo.   Took me forever to figure it out as I couldn't find my manual.  In the end I figured out what I needed to do but then I didn't like what I was photographing.  Am losing a lot of outside light so decided instead to use this picture. Haven't worn a watch in some time.  This particular watch has needed a battery for about a year.  I use to be an avid watch wearer- don't know why I've decided it's not so important to have.   I find it rather strange that one of my sons has never ever worn a watch.  I guess with all of the electronics today it's not so necessary.  Curiously though, I don't think I have one clock that actually shows the correct time.  And that drives me nuts!

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